
cough syrup 止咳糖漿。


With oneness of mind , initiates in chile and brazil cooperated together to raise us 30 , 000 , which they used to buy about five tons of food including noodles , rice , sugar , flour , tea , salt , soup , milk and candy , blankets , medicine i . e . aspirin and cough syrup , personal hygiene items i . e . soap , toothbrushes , tooth paste , and clothing i . e . disposable diapers , socks , clothes 大家團結一心,巴西與智利的同修共同合作隨即募集到三萬美元,這筆錢購買了約五噸的食物面條米糖面粉茶鹽湯牛奶糖果,毯子,藥品阿斯匹靈與止咳糖漿,個人衛生用品香皂牙刷牙膏和衣物紙尿布襪子衣服。

The disease is usually self - limiting with recovery in 2 - 7 days . anti - fever medicine and cough syrup are useful in relieving symptoms . aspirin should not be used in children because it may cause reye s syndrome which is a rare complication involving the central nervous system and the liver 退燒藥及咳藥水均有助紓緩癥狀。兒童忌用亞士匹靈,以免產生雷爾氏綜合徵( reye ’ ssyndrome ) 。雷爾氏綜合徵是一種罕見的并發癥,影響中樞神經系統及肝臟。

Through its interest in wai yuen tong medicine company limited and luxembourg medicine company limited , the manufacturer of the renowned madame pearl coughing syrup , the group has successfully ventured into the manufacture and sale business of well - established branded pharmaceutical products 集團現時擁有佩夫人、位元堂等多個知名藥品的部份權益,并計劃以利用這些家傳戶曉的品牌及其銷售網絡,開發更多產品。

Some medications ? such as aspirin and other mild painkillers , cold medicines and nasal decongestants , vitamins , cough syrups and sore throat tablets , as well as medication for indigestion , nausea and diarrhea ? is available without a prescription 購買有些藥,如阿司匹林這類輕微止痛藥、感冒藥、鼻通藥、維他命、止咳藥、咽喉藥,以及醫治消化不良、惡心、腹瀉等現象的藥都無需處方。

Some medicines ? such as aspirin and other mild painkillers , cold medicines and nasal decongestants , vitamins , cough syrups and sore throat tablets , as well as medication for indigestion , nausea and diarrhea ? is available without a prescription 購買有些藥,如阿司匹林這類輕微止痛藥、感冒藥、鼻通藥、維他命、止咳藥、咽喉藥,以及醫治消化不良、惡心、腹瀉等現象的藥都無需處方。

Last year , diethylene glycol was mistakenly mixed with cough syrup in panama . the mix - up killed at least 51 people . no deaths have been reported in connection with the toothpaste 去年,二甘醇在巴拿馬被錯誤地同止咳糖漿混在了一起。那次混合事件造成至少51人喪生。目前還沒有出現與牙膏有關的死亡報導。

Physicians have discouraged cough syrup use for a decade now . in 1997 , the american academy of pediatricians said it didn ' t support the use of otc cough and cold medicines in children 醫生對不主張使用咳嗽糖漿已有10年。在1997年,美國兒科研究院就已不支持兒童使用非處方咳嗽和感冒藥。

A : okay . take one pill three times a day after meals . you can take the cough syrup as needed . drink plenty of fluids and get some rest . you should feel better soon 好的。這藥一天服三次,一次一片,飯后服。止咳糖漿需要時喝一次。多補充液體,好好休息。您會很快好轉的。

People with influenza should have adequate rest and sleep and drink plenty of fluid . anti - fever medicine and cough syrup are useful to reduce symptoms 但某類人士,如長者,兒童,或長期病患者,則有較大機會有并發癥,如支氣管炎,肺炎等。

Linda suydam , president of the consumer healthcare products association , which represents leading u . s . makers of otc cough syrups , declined to be interviewed 消費者保健品協會會長,代表美國非處方咳嗽糖漿制造商,拒絕采訪。

Perhaps a number of parents are hoping that by providing a choice , they can more easily convince their child to take the cough syrup 或許許多父母希望提供選擇,他們可以更容易的確信他們的孩子使用咳嗽糖漿。

The disease is usually self - limiting with recovery in 2 - 7 days . anti - fever medicine and cough syrup are useful in relieving symptoms 大部份人都能在2至7日內自行痊愈。退燒藥及咳藥水均有助紓緩癥狀。

In october , companies voluntarily recalled all over - the - counter cold and cough syrups for children younger than 2 10月份,上述公司在全國主動召回適用于2歲以下兒童的感冒和咳嗽糖漿。

A : no , it ' s nothing serious . i ' ll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup . do you have any drug allergies 不,并不嚴重。我給你開點兒藥和止咳糖漿。你對藥物過敏嗎?

A : no , it ' ' s nothing serious . i ' ' ll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup . do you have any drug allergies 不,并不嚴重。我給您開點藥和止咳糖漿。您對藥物過敏嗎?

No , it ' s nothing serious . i ' ll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup . do you have any drug allergies 不,并不嚴重。我給你開點兒藥和止咳糖漿。你對藥物過敏嗎?

From this conclusion , you may decide to mention this as a “ tip “ on the cough syrup category page 從這個結論來看,您可能決定將這個作為咳嗽糖漿種類頁面的“提示” 。

Its cough syrups are only for kids up to 2 - years - old , and both remedies have already been withdrawn 它的咳嗽糖漿只適用于2歲以下的兒童,現在所有的藥都已經收回。

It was found in the cough syrup and other medicines blamed for last year ' s deaths in panama 去年在巴拿馬,一批來自中國的咳嗽藥水中含有二甘醇導致至少50人死亡。